From a barn, of course.
It's often been mentioned, and I'd agree, that many of my photos would look at home framed in barn wood. If you're me...the barn wood can't merely be purchased from a merchant, or in pre-made frames from a big box store. True barn wood for frames must be searched for through the exploration of the plains. I'm sure there are plenty more places that a person can find a barn than the plains, but the plains are where I happen to be. Not just any plains, but great ones. I want to type a winky face here, or maybe a smiley with its tongue sticking out to imply that I'm attempting to be silly, but I'm trying to maintain some shred of professionalism on this page. Now, back to the barn wood!
It's late, and I need to get to bed. My writing is showing it, so I'll let the pictures tell the story. I thought it would be neat to share the time that I spent with my big sister and Bella girl as we rode through the hills to find the abandoned barn that we were given the okay to gather a few boards from. Turns out, it pays to have farmers in the family, especially in a currency of beef and wood from an old barn. Okay, Bella....lead the way!
Bella Girl is mocking the silly giant mooing kitties. "Look at me...I'm a Cow...deeeehrrp!"
"Daddy, stop for a windmill's Windmill Wednesday"
"What's that? Sniff Sniff....I detect a barn in the distance! Keep pushing forward!!"
"Hmmm....I'm sure I can smell an old barn around here somewhere..."
"Ah-HA!!! FOUND IT! Just look at all of this good stuff!! I mean..would ya just LOOK AT IT!?"
Honestly....I had mixed feelings about taking down boards from the standing structure...
So.....I took every other one. Now it's just well ventilated.
Nailed it.
That should do it. Piled up and tucked into a nice tarp blanket
"Bye Barn!!"
"Bye Cows!"
"Hello Kitty!"
So, there you have it. I hope you enjoyed that short journey over the cows and through the hills to the old barn house we go. We've got the wood, but getting them made into frames...that's a different story. Thank you for letting me take the easy road tonight and let the pictures do the work and Bella's joyous spirit tell the story. I think it turned out to be a bit of fun, actually. The kitty at the end was when we dropped off the tools...and I just couldn't pass up the "Hello Kitty" comment. Bella has a great sense of humor. ;) There's that winky face, it made it in after all. Besides, one can only be in the "deep thoughts" mode for so long
That being said, I absolutely Love my 4-Runner and the new wheels and Hankook tires look great in these pics, even though the tread pattern collects more mud than I'd like, I've had great experience with them off road and in the snow on my Silverado. Just need a leveling kit to raise the front a few inches and Bella girl and I can keep on trekking across the country to remote destinations to collect our favorite thing: more great stories. That picture with her head sticking out of the back window and the barn in the distance....that pretty much sums up our relationship. She's always my copilot as we go explore, and there's nothing more she likes than a ride with her head out the window. Turns out...we must be related.
Thanks for joining us,